Integrated Risk Management Software for Healthcare

Identify, assess and prioritize internal and vendor risk with a single platform 

The BluePrint Protect™ Integrated Risk Management (IRM) platform enables healthcare cybersecurity executives to gain a comprehensive, continuous view of risk across complex organizations – ensuring transparency, ownership, and effective prioritization.

Proof Points

metrics and Stats

Number of Partners
Number of HITRUST

Find the Vulnerabilities Your Current Program Missed 

Just 40% of healthcare CISOs believe they have the right level of funding. Their teams are time-poor, under-resourced and overwhelmed by the growing threat of cyberattacks – which means even strong organizations have gaping holes in their security. 

Intraprise Health offers comprehensive consulting services based on deep knowledge of the risks healthcare organizations face. Our team helps you automate repetitive processes to save time, identify vulnerabilities your internal team cannot see, and deliver security best practices across the most complex enterprise organizations.  

IH Solutions

NIST Assessments

Gain comprehensive support to adopt the NIST CSF with confidence 

HITRUST Certification

Achieve HITRUST certification faster with the first 100% healthcare-focused HITRUST assessor

Preparedness Testing 

Undertake penetration tests, phishing exercises, and tabletop exercises with healthcare expert 

Business Impact Assessments 

Assess how your organization will respond to a breach and increase organizational resilience 

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Enterprise Cybersecurity Teams Need External Support to Deal With... 

Lack of Resources

Just 7% of healthcare IT budgets are spent on cybersecurity, leading to understaffed and overworked teams that can’t possibly cover every security weakness. 

Inefficient Processes

From manual assessments to gathering data from fragmented systems, cybersecurity teams spend hours on repetitive tasks that could easily be automated – but lack the technology to fix the problem. 

Security Blind Spots

From penetration testing to tabletop exercises, most healthcare cybersecurity teams require external expertise to locate blind spots and hidden vulnerabilities that could be easily exploited. 

Everything You Need to Deliver Best-in-Class Security 

Assess Cybersecurity Risk 
Integrated Risk Management Software-Intraprise Health

Our IRM software automates manual processes and streamlines workflows to assess, prioritize and remediate third-party risk:

  • Complete assessments 3x faster, gain 100% coverage for your third-party portfolio and reduce assessments questions by 50%
  • Send custom questionnaires and automatic reminders to gather comprehensive vendor security and compliance information
  • Automatically view tiered vendor assessment based on priority, potential risk level, and type of technology or hosting location
  • Gain a comprehensive and continuous overview of vendor risk across even the largest and most complex network
  • Create a centralized hub for all stakeholders and vendors to collaborate on assessments and remediation
Integrated Risk Management Software-Intraprise Health

Our IRM software automates manual processes and streamlines workflows to assess, prioritize and remediate third-party risk:

  • Complete assessments 3x faster, gain 100% coverage for your third-party portfolio and reduce assessments questions by 50%
  • Send custom questionnaires and automatic reminders to gather comprehensive vendor security and compliance information
  • Automatically view tiered vendor assessment based on priority, potential risk level, and type of technology or hosting location
  • Gain a comprehensive and continuous overview of vendor risk across even the largest and most complex network
  • Create a centralized hub for all stakeholders and vendors to collaborate on assessments and remediation
Integrated Risk Management Software-Intraprise Health

Our IRM software automates manual processes and streamlines workflows to assess, prioritize and remediate third-party risk:

  • Complete assessments 3x faster, gain 100% coverage for your third-party portfolio and reduce assessments questions by 50%
  • Send custom questionnaires and automatic reminders to gather comprehensive vendor security and compliance information
  • Automatically view tiered vendor assessment based on priority, potential risk level, and type of technology or hosting location
  • Gain a comprehensive and continuous overview of vendor risk across even the largest and most complex network
  • Create a centralized hub for all stakeholders and vendors to collaborate on assessments and remediation


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Articles & Resources

Roadmap to Integrated Risk Management 

Learn how executives can guide their organizations towards a truly unified approach to cybersecurity. 

Comprehensive Cybersecurity Checklist 

Assess your cybersecurity resilience with annual, quarterly, monthly and ongoing checklists.

Drive Urgency Around Remediation 

Discover five actionable steps to unlock a better cybersecurity remediation budget.