Cybersecurity Solutions for Acute Care

Shield patient data while empowering your team

Cybersecurity Solutions for Acute Care​-Intraprise Health
Uncover hidden threats, equip your staff with the skills to detect attacks, and reinforce your IT infrastructure with cutting-edge security solutions tailored specifically for healthcare environments. Safeguard your patients’ data and maintain operations without overwhelming your team.
Cybersecurity Solutions for Acute Care​-Intraprise Health
Cost of Cyberattacks-Intraprise Health

The Hidden Cost of Cyberattacks on Healthcare: Lives at Risk

Up to 30% of healthcare organizations experiencing cyberattacks report increased mortality rates due to delayed urgent care.1 Yet, many acute care facilities lack the full visibility needed to understand their risk landscape and mount an effective defense.

Intraprise Health makes best-in-class cybersecurity fast and easy for acute care. With innovative software and expert guided services, you can assess and enhance your security posture without a heavy lift – and keep your patients safe.

Cybersecurity Is No Longer a
“Nice to Have”

limited-resources-Intraprise Health

Limited Resources

Increasing operational costs, a shortage of tech staff, budget constraints, and the growing use of connected devices are straining the time and resources of IT and cybersecurity teams.
legacy equipment-Intraprise Health

Legacy Equipment

Many pieces of essential equipment in acute care facilities have not been switched off or given proper updates for years – making them vulnerable to cyberthreats.

lack of training-Intraprise Health

Lack of Staff Training

Despite being prime targets for phishing and ransomware attacks, most acute care organizations fail to offer comprehensive training for staff to identify and avoid these threats. This leaves critical systems and patient data at risk.

Explore Our Solutions

HIPAA Compliance-Intraprise Health

HIPAA Compliance

Simplify, automate, and accelerate your HIPAA SRAs, PBRAs, and workforce training. Get the guidance you need to remediate risks and more easily ensure full compliance.
TPRM-Intraprise Health

Third-Party Risk Management

Centralize third-party risk assessments, ensure delegates respond faster, and manage remediation with ease using innovative software and expert guided services.
IRM-Intraprise Health

Integrated Risk Management

Identify, prioritize, and mitigate risks across your entire organization with software that centralizes assessments, enhances visibility, and speeds up remediation.
Cybersecurity Assessments-Intraprise Health

Cybersecurity Assessments

Ease your team’s workload and expedite complex cybersecurity assessments, including HIPAA compliance, third-party vendor risk, the NIST CSF, and cybersecurity performance goals (CPGs).
HITRUST Certification-Intraprise Health

HITRUST Certification

Fast-track your HITRUST certification with the industry’s first 100% healthcare-focused HITRUST assessor.
Preparedness Testing-Intraprise Health

Preparedness Testing

Engage in penetration tests, phishing exercises, and tabletop drills led by cybersecurity with deep industry expertise.

Want to Achieve Similar Results?

Everything You Need to Protect Patients

Identify Evolving Cyberthreats Faster
Identify Threats-Intraprise Health

Help your overstretched team evaluate your cybersecurity posture and necessary remediations. Our solutions are designed to support teams that need more capacity:

  • Faster assessments: Complete HIPAA security risk assessments (SRA) and privacy breach risk assessment (PBRA) 80% faster and third-party risk assessments 3x faster.
  • Expert guidance: Make sense of complicated regulatory requirements, leverage up-to-date assessment questions, and answer everything confidently with the help of our expert consultants and automated software.
  • Improve regulatory reporting: Centralize data and improve documentation to ensure your compliance processes are simple, comprehensive, and readily accessible in the formats required.
Prioritize Risk-Intraprise Health

Focus your budget on remediating the most urgent risks. Our solutions enable you to quickly and accurately prioritize threats across your entire organization:

  • Compare all threats: Consolidate all assessments to a single view and identify the more urgent threats to your patients’ safety.
  • Automatically rank risk: Use the NIST CSF to rank your cybersecurity’s system’s maturity level and see exactly where you are most at risk.
Protect Patients-Intraprise Health

Leverage our innovative software and expert services to remediate risk and instill best practices across your facility:

  • Staff education: Deliver on-demand training via our online portal to ensure every employee knows how to handle PHI, identify phishing attacks, and protect patients.
  • Adopt NIST: Leverage our unique software to assess and align your cybersecurity program with the NIST CSF.
  • HITRUST certification: Partner with an Intraprise HITRUST assessor to gain the “gold standard” of healthcare cybersecurity certifications.

Delivery Models
Tailored to Your Needs

Managed Services

Our expert service team runs your assessments, consults on remediation, and leverages our full software suite to lighten the lift for your team.


Our security experts collaborate closely with your internal team to identify and remediate risks.


Enhance your cybersecurity posture by leveraging our software, with the option of support from our team of experts.
See Around Corners Brochure Cover-Intraprise Health

A Single, Comprehensive Risk View

See Around Corners Brochure Cover-Intraprise Health

Discover how acute care facilities use a unified risk register to identify hidden threats and accelerate remediation. From faster HIPAA assessments to stronger third-party risk management, this approach has been transformative for numerous organizations.

Acute Care Cannot Afford to Take Risks

A single cyberattack jeopardizes not just your patients and bottom line, but your entire reputation. Implement best practices organization-wide to protect patients, ensure compliance, and effectively mitigate cybersecurity risks.

Articles & Resources

Cybersecurity Checklist

Access our comprehensive cybersecurity checklist aligned with NIST and HIPAA standards.

Remediation Strategy

Unlock the key steps to develop a structured cybersecurity remediation strategy effectively.


Uncover the resources needed to successfully complete your annual HIPAA Security Risk Assessment (SRA).
Book a Consultation