Address the Four Factors of a HIPAA Breach Assessment
The HIPAA Breach Notification Rule outlines four factors of an effective breach assessment, and our tool comprehensively addresses all areas:
1. Assessing the nature and extent of PHI: Analyze the types of PHI involved in the security incident, such as demographic information, medical history, or financial data, and provide a complete overview of the potential impact and sensitivity of the compromised information.
2. Identifying unauthorized access or recipients: Identify any unauthorized individuals who may have accessed or received the PHI. Detect patterns, anomalies, and potential breaches involving external parties or internal personnel.
3. Determining the actual acquisition or viewing of PHI: Examine relevant data to determine whether the compromised PHI was acquired, viewed, or accessed by unauthorized individuals and provide insights into the extent of the breach to help you understand the full risk.
4. Assessing risk mitigation measures: Evaluate the effectiveness of existing security controls, safeguards, and mitigation measures implemented by your organization by identifying any gaps or weaknesses in the security posture and providing recommendations for strengthening security measures and reducing risk.