Healthcare Cybersecurity Services

Our goal is to craft a comprehensive program based on vigilant security controls, organizational resilience, and expert oversight.

Highly Rated in Klas


The Intraprise Health Security Difference

HIPAA Security Risk Assessment
Cybersecurity Preparedness
NIST Framework Assessment
Business Impact Analysis
Third Party Risk Management Services

Our security services have been at the vanguard of healthcare information privacy and security since 2009. Healthcare focused, we provide advisory services and solutions to meet the information security needs you face now and in the future.

The Intraprise Health team has expertise in security, frameworks and the regulations you need to know to create a secure and resilient organization. We are your security partners and team members, helping you every step along the way. We are here to answer your questions, offer guidance and both strategic and tactical support. From compliance to assurance, our team is there for your team.

Intraprise Health is one of the very top “security firms that healthcare providers said they were very likely to engage.” Among the highest rated firms, Intraprise Health was designated as one of the security firms that are “perceived to have the strongest services that healthcare organizations need.”
Becker’s Hospital Review

Use the links on the left to read more about any of our Security Services.

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What is Cybersecurity Compliance in Healthcare?

Healthcare organizations handle a large volume of patient data – and up to 95% of hospitals now store that data in digital form. The HIPAA rules were established to ensure this protected health information (PHI) remains safe and private. 

Cybersecurity compliance is the process of aligning your organization with these regulations. This ranges from introducing protections against cyberattacks to training staff to handle PHI properly.  

Organizations are expected to submit an annual security risk assessment (SRA) to demonstrate their compliance, as well as ensuring ongoing remediation and proactive protections against new threats. 

How is Cybersecurity Compliance Changing? 

While HIPAA is currently the primary concern for healthcare organizations, a number of new requirements have emerged recently to address the changing threat landscape.  

The HHS established voluntary cybersecurity performance goals (CPGs) in 2023 which are a new benchmark for cybersecurity in healthcare, and many experts believe these could become mandatory in the future.


The Benefits of Healthcare Cybersecurity  


Strong cybersecurity is an urgent regulatory necessity for any healthcare organization, but it provides a range of other benefits. These include: 

Increased resilience: 

In the event of a cyberattack, strong security helps to reduce the downtime of your IT systems, ensure there is a continuity plan in place, and reduce the likelihood your organization will be held legally liable for the damages incurred. 

Enhanced reputation:

Patients are increasingly aware of cyberthreats and actively avoid healthcare providers they don’t trust to protect their data. Robust cybersecurity policies therefore help reinforce your reputation and maintain patient loyalty. 

Improve workforce morale: 

A growing number of healthcare professionals express concerns about a lack of protection for patient data. Organizations that prove their dedication to best-in-class defenses are therefore likely to attract and retain more talented employees.

Highly rated in the KLAS Cybersecurity Report
Healthcare focused
Expert Oversight

Additional Information


Intraprise Health Ranked One of the Top Security Firms Healthcare Providers Likely to Engage
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Intraprise Health Acquires HIPAA One
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Intraprise Health rated 97.2* in KLAS Cybersecurity Services report
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Ready to get started? Have questions for our HITRUST, HIPAA or security teams?

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