Fast and Easy Online HIPAA Training & Certification

Need to complete your annual HIPAA training? Get started today with the HIPAA One® Knowledge Center!

HIPAA One® Training Platform

HIPAA training is an important element of any HIPAA compliance program. At Intraprise Health, our goal is to provide a training solution that simplifies the HIPAA compliance and certification process. As part of these efforts, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our new HIPAA Training Platform. Our platform includes training courses designed to simplify compliance while meeting the annual HIPAA training requirement.

Why is HIPAA Training Important?

HIPAA stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and is a federal law enacted in the United States in 1996. The intent of HIPAA was to transform healthcare by protecting people from losing their health insurance, reducing administrative burden, and improving standards to protect the privacy and security of health information. Today, HIPAA compliance focuses largely on protecting the privacy and security of patient health information.

To aid in the protection of patient health information, annual HIPAA compliance training is a mandatory requirement for any staff or employee that handle protected health information (PHI). Government regulations and organizational policies change often. It is the responsibility of your organization to train and update your workforce.

Online HIPAA compliance training is one of the most effective ways to provide training and refresher courses for your workforce. The training course should help you gain aunderstanding of the key elements of HIPAA compliance, what your responsibilities are, and assist your organization in their compliance efforts.

Why the HIPAA One® workforce training?

Our HIPAA compliance training courses teach organizations about HIPAA regulations such as the HIPAA security and privacy rules, what protected health information is, how to recognize risks and so much more. Proper education can save your organization the effort and financial burden of possible breach and litigation. Our training courses are customized based on role and knowledge requirements.

HIPAA One® Knowledge Center.

Our HIPAA Training Platform is designed to provide the highest level of effective education and includes the following features:

  • Content library with role-specific courses 
    • Select role-specific courses and shape your learning to only include the most relevant compliance information.
    • All training includes critical HIPAA, security, and privacy information.
  • Course customization
    • Edit course content, contact information, organization logo, and much more.
    • Easily import your organization’s policies and procedures.
  • Interactive learning environment
    • Activities such as drag and drop, flashcards, and concept matching are included for content application.
    • Quizzes to test your knowledge are scattered throughout the training courses and a final assessment is placed at the end to check comprehension.
  • Sublicenses 
    • Easily manage multiple locations and departments by creating sublicenses.
  • Reporting and analytics
    • Reporting and viewing capabilities are available to monitor learner progress and course completion.
    • All certifications can be uploaded and accessed to view compliance training completion.

The HIPAA One® Knowledge Center is easy to set up and even easier to use. It is fully automated and can be managed by each organization’s HIPAA compliance officer. HIPAA training is an important part of your organization’s HIPAA compliance journey. Complete your HIPAA compliance with a workforce that understands and protects HIPAA regulations.

Along with training, Intraprise Health is here to help address all your compliance needs. To learn more, you can schedule a time to chat about how HIPAA One® can simplify and automate your entire compliance process so you can have confidence you have satisfied every element of the federal regulation.